Monday, July 12, 2010

Computer savy :)

On New Years Eve ( well technically New years morning) I managed to break the LCD screen on my MAC and found out that it would cost about the same as buying a new one just to get it fixed. So for the last 7 months I have been using half a screen and saying that  I would fix it myself. 

About a week ago I got around to ordering a new LCD screen and when I got it immediatley began to take apart my computer. I sat there for a while trying to fix it but couldn't. Thats when I realized that they had sent me the wrong screen. My computer has been sitting on the floor in pieces ever since. 

Today, I finally recieved the right screen and after a few minor set backs I now have a fully functioning screen... sure I have three screws left over, which I have no idea where they belong but my computer doesn't seem to be falling apart.  All in all I am very proud of myself for finally getting around to fixing my screen and that I didn't mess it up too badly. 

Kelsey even told me I was glowing :)

Thursday, July 8, 2010

Farmers market

So yesterday I went on a little walk that lead me to the Iowa City farmers market which i've wanted to go to for a while now. I forgot how many different things they sold there! I loved it.

They had chocolate chip banana bread yum :) and snow cones (double yum). They also had this apple wine which I was going to try but forgot to go back to it before I left, I guess I'll just have to try it next time. They also had tamales :) which is a mexican food I was really excited and bought some that was my first purchase :) They weren't as good as my g-ma's or my aunts but no ones are. I also loved all the zucchinis, yellow squashes, cucumbers, and tomatoes. I love veggies :) and i just had to buy to some zucchini which I am super excited to go home and cook.

I am excited to go back next week for the wine and maybe the chocolate chip banana bread.

and that was the highlight of my day... well besides finding a book in the non-fiction section of the library called "how to be a vampire" it included sections on how to become a vampire, what to do after getting bit, and how to tell your parents you were a child of the night.   Interesting right?

Wednesday, July 7, 2010


So if you didn't already know Kelsey and I went to a Pyschic a few months back and although she had a lot of good things to say about me, she did tell me that someone was trying to stop me from succeeding and cursed me. I'm kinda starting to belive it.

As you may know I had everything planned for post graduation, to bad all those plans are now falling through. I had a job (with benefits) lined up but thats no longer happening because people decided to stay which means no openings BOOOO  but I guess thinking about it, this doesnt make me cursed it just turns me into every other college student post graduation. But still I had a job up until 2 days ago.

I guess its okay its given me the opportunity to apply to jobs out side of my current job and there are a lot of openings that  i'm qualified for... hopefully i'll get a call back before my student status is over :)

PS I plan on breaking this curse how... idk the only thing I can think of is true loves kiss... i watch to many disney movies :)

Tuesday, July 6, 2010

and im back

So after the wonderful decided to begin blogging again I figured I would too( I guess im a follower lol)

There is only one problem with this... my computer is currently torn apart since I decided to be adventurous and replace the LCD screen myself (it wasn't to successful but only because they sent me the wrong screen, or at least I hope that was the only problem.) So i am currently at work and about to get off, but I did make my blog prettier :)

Tuesday, March 23, 2010

21 ordinance

So the Iowa City City Council has once again brought up the 21 ordinance, making it so anyone under the age of 21 can't get into the bars...Brilliant...yea not so much

So the first time they tried this 2 years ago it failed miserably... thank goodness because I wasn't 21 yet :)
But if they seriously think it will help decrease binge drinking underage I'm going to go with FALSE.
While watching about 30 minutes of the city council meeting tonight I have come up with the following thoughts:

1) If youre not a good public speaker, you will sound very unprepared and not as persuassive -even if you have a speech written out- compared to someone who is a good public speaker who wings it

2)Older residents bring up very good points ... especially when they are anti the 21 ordinance because they drank once upon a time too :)

3)As an older resident of Iowa city why are you living on the 400 block of South Johnson? of course people are going to make noise at night 21 or not.

4) People should not bring up the point that you dont see surgeons, established lawyers, or flight pilots getting drunk downtown... 1) how many surgeons or lawyers do you know under the age of 25 2) of course theyre not downtown they can afford to buy a real drink ( by that I mean something that costs more than 2 dollars) 3) im sure before they were true professionals they were downtown too

5)Dont tell me how hard biology classes, chemistry classes, and law classes are... I dont especially when you haven't been in college or had any schooling for 50 years ...and dont tell me that we dont go out for fun and we just go to let go of reality ( which may be true at times but still ) reality= no fun  it equals working 8 hour days, studying all night, and all that not so fun stuff we have to do.

6)Why did we ever stop pregaming??? it was so much cheaper when we were underage because we'd be drunk before we got to the bars.

7) Some of the people on the council were anti-21 while they were running for election and now that they are an elected official they are pro the 21 ordinance... government is full of liars (which i already knew)

8) Please don't compare this to seat belt laws...I'm taking a whole class on health transition and health disparities ...keeping kids out of the bar isnt going to keep them from drinking (especially here in IC) so there's going to be no transition what so ever related to health... trust me we talked about it in class my professor also brought up these points ... the only way to change it is to keep them from drinking entirely and to keep us 21-25 year olds from drinking as much also.

9) People have interesting arguments

10) This is just stupid... if it passes I'm moving to Des Moines ;) ... thats for you KSloss(that was too)

Sunday, March 14, 2010

Spring Break 2010!

Spring Break 2010 aka my last official spring break of my undergraduate career. So of course this is blog is being written on the sandy beaches of florida  from my bedroom as I avoid putting away my laundry.  Yes I am quite sad that I am not spending my last spring break getting tattoos, getting drunk at a Joes crab shack at 4pm while being underage, attending random Frat parties in Texas, and going clubbing (all a part of last years spring break )
This spring break should be a bit calmer but it has had a good start considering I started it out with the Dashboard Confessional concert Friday night with my friends Kinsey, Abby, and TJ :) 

All in all it was a great concert ... we were mere feet away from the all too wonderful  Chris Carrabba (the lead singer) and we got to listen to some of our favorite songs like vindicated, hands down, and my new favorite song of theirs Belle of the boulevard.  Hopefully the rest of break gets a bit more exciting than last few days but that is yet to be seen :) 


Monday, March 8, 2010

and the nomination goes to ME!

So today I was checking my e-mail and I saw that I had a message from my old mentor and it was an email telling me how they had recently been going over the graduating class to see who they could nominate for a leadership award at the up coming  Multicultural Graduation & Recognition Banquet and I was nominated. :) 

I don't really know what its all about but I think its cool :) Go me!