Tuesday, March 23, 2010

21 ordinance

So the Iowa City City Council has once again brought up the 21 ordinance, making it so anyone under the age of 21 can't get into the bars...Brilliant...yea not so much

So the first time they tried this 2 years ago it failed miserably... thank goodness because I wasn't 21 yet :)
But if they seriously think it will help decrease binge drinking underage I'm going to go with FALSE.
While watching about 30 minutes of the city council meeting tonight I have come up with the following thoughts:

1) If youre not a good public speaker, you will sound very unprepared and not as persuassive -even if you have a speech written out- compared to someone who is a good public speaker who wings it

2)Older residents bring up very good points ... especially when they are anti the 21 ordinance because they drank once upon a time too :)

3)As an older resident of Iowa city why are you living on the 400 block of South Johnson? of course people are going to make noise at night 21 or not.

4) People should not bring up the point that you dont see surgeons, established lawyers, or flight pilots getting drunk downtown... 1) how many surgeons or lawyers do you know under the age of 25 2) of course theyre not downtown they can afford to buy a real drink ( by that I mean something that costs more than 2 dollars) 3) im sure before they were true professionals they were downtown too

5)Dont tell me how hard biology classes, chemistry classes, and law classes are... I KNOW..you dont especially when you haven't been in college or had any schooling for 50 years ...and dont tell me that we dont go out for fun and we just go to let go of reality ( which may be true at times but still ) reality= no fun  it equals working 8 hour days, studying all night, and all that not so fun stuff we have to do.

6)Why did we ever stop pregaming??? it was so much cheaper when we were underage because we'd be drunk before we got to the bars.

7) Some of the people on the council were anti-21 while they were running for election and now that they are an elected official they are pro the 21 ordinance... government is full of liars (which i already knew)

8) Please don't compare this to seat belt laws...I'm taking a whole class on health transition and health disparities ...keeping kids out of the bar isnt going to keep them from drinking (especially here in IC) so there's going to be no transition what so ever related to health... trust me we talked about it in class my professor also brought up these points ... the only way to change it is to keep them from drinking entirely and to keep us 21-25 year olds from drinking as much also.

9) People have interesting arguments

10) This is just stupid... if it passes I'm moving to Des Moines ;) ... thats for you KSloss(that was too)


  1. i think the 21 ordinance is a good thing... if anything i wouldn't have to look at young freshmen at the bar.
    since when do you watch local city council meetings... you must really miss living with me.
    Iowa City is the only town that could convince people that being 19 is a good age to get into a bar... seriously, we shouldn't promote underage drinking like that.
    I realize I drank underage, but that is a lame reason to not support this 21 ordinance thing.

  2. there are so many reasons to support it...

    and the only reason you want to keep 19 yrs olds out is cause you feel old ... so in your world the bars should be 23 and over

    19 yr olds/20yr olds are funny i like having them around ...plus everythings more fun when youre younger why suck the fun out of life before you have too

  3. hmm.. i don't know how i feel.
    you both bring up very good points.

    i like IC's unique 19 year old bar attendance policy but then again, everywhere else has 21+ in bars and it is the law...

    when is the vote?
