Friday, September 18, 2009

New Electronics

I had to go to best buy again the other day to buy a new camera because i lost my old new camera. Once again best buy was out of the camera i wanted UGH, i would have complained but then theywould have wondered why in the world i buy cameras so frequently, so i didn't and just had them order it for me.

In the time i had to wait to go pick up my camera Kelsey purchased a new computer!!!! Its about time since she's been using mine for the last year of my life, i think i was more excited to pick it up than she was and definitely more excited to pick it up than my camera. So since she was always on my computer i am writing this blog on hers, while waiting for A. Hughes to get here WOOO

OMG its the Jewish New Year today and A. Hughes is coming :) sorry for the random transition there but i was just informed of this and thought i would share that with you :)

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