Wednesday, February 10, 2010

Post from the lib.

So i'm currently at the library working on my paper, ok so i'm pretending to write my paper and actually blogging, which basically only happens when i'm avoiding something.

Anyway, i really don't have much of anything exciting to blog about today considering i've spent the majority of week at the library studying for my biochem test that I had earlier today and am now here once again working on a paper about candida albicans ,there's the link in case you feel like reading about a yeast. Besides this yeast and the structure of all 20 amino acids here are a few things i've learned in the past couple days:

1) As a SSS (second semester senior ... not skinniest sloss sister) I have no desire to actually write this paper even though my desire to study for tests has increased

2) I don't want to write a paper about a paper that one of my professors wrote because if i say the wrong thing ( for example this paper is awful) i might fail the class

3)There is no need to have 5 professors for a class with 12 people in it... and absolutley no need for each one to give the class an outline on how to write this paper ..especially if they are all different ... its called collaborating people

4) The library is full of interesting people

5) It also contains smelly people ... and couples that like PDA

6) I might start taking this blogging thing serisously .. which means I need a new catchy title for my blog since mine is basically lame

7) Lent is next week ...which means mardi gras celebrations :)

1 comment:

  1. yay for #7, Mardi Gras celebrations.

    I wont be having a king cake this year :( unless I can find a New Orleans bakery but perhaps that'll be my adventure this weekend.

    also, #6, I don't think you're title is lame.

    I mean I started my blog for book reviews, and I think I did two. But if you want to change your title I'm sure you'll come up with something clever ... otherwise ask Kelsey she's the Brains.
